This will be well worth attending even as a spectator.
We currently have 7 RAOC entrants. 4 RAOC 'Day Member' entrants to comply with the supplementary regulations and 1 BARC entrant.
So that's a total of 12 Renault & Alpine vehicles running at the moment.
We also have 4 undecided.
If you do want to take part there's still time. You need a Speed National B (Non-Race) @£34. Turn around is 15 days or (3 express but that costs ££) so still time to get your licence and your entry in before the 7th May deadline. Places are limited so be quick.
The form you need is here ... tegory=656
Simon and I both have entry froms if you need them or you can download them above. I don't have any regs left but I have requested more from the BOC. Simon may have a copy.
We had hoped that Peter could still come and participate as a guest driver if David manages to repair Peter's old car in time so feel free to phone up ART and put the pressure on
Alternatively if anyone else would like to offer Peter a seat as a second driver...
Admission for spectators is £15. The entry fee of £93 includes entry for 2 so it's really equivalent to £63 for the 4 runs up the hill
Remember it's a French Marques Day so a Hill Climb and car show rolled into one.
Some more details are starting to filter through:
Can you start to post a list of spectators below so I can get an idea of numbers for any additional space required.
I'll put the provisional list of entrants up as soon as it has been approved by the BOC.